Dental trauma management

First aid in milk teeth trauma

Please report to the dentist as soon as possible.
In case of broken or knocked out tooth please try and find it. If you fail to find it or its pieces please notify the dentist as the tooth may be found in soft tissues inside the mouth.

If, due to traumatic event, also soft tissues are damaged the wound should be washed with hydrogen peroxide and bleeding stopped by pressing with gauze.

First aid in permanent teeth trauma

Broken tooth crown:

  • Please try to find the broken piece, place it in a cup with cold water
  • Please come and see us as soon as possible in order to secure the fracture
  • If you fail to find it please notify the dentist as the piece may be found in soft tissues inside the mouth.

Partial tooth dislocation (the tooth is still present in the mouth but it appears loose, painful and the surrounding gums may bleed). Please come and see us as soon as possible. The dislocated tooth will be immobilized with a special dental splint and a subsequent treatment will be scheduled.

Complete tooth dislocation – no tooth in the socket:
  • Try to find the missing tooth, place it in a cup filled with milk, water or saline (the tooth might be also transported to the surgery inside the mouth). Please do not try and clean the dislocated tooth mechanically as this may damage the periodontal fiber, which allows for tooth replantation.
  • The highest success rate show the teeth which are replanted within 30 minutes up to 2 hours, so please come and see us as soon as possible.